When MeAsWe got her certificate the other day and I did not receive mine, there was a bit of concern. On her list of recent finishers my name was listed. Of course I started to scan back in my memory pushing some of the cob webs out of the way, maybe I put N Uxbridge down and the IBA association had mailed it to Uxbridge. Dang this was gonna take a while to straighten out and I already bought a frame for the Certificate.
This morning that yellow card was in the box. When I walked out of the post office yesterday, MeAsWe said "didn't come?", to which I said "it will show up, no big deal". Well that was a cover up. I don't know what it is, but there is something meaniful behind that piece of paper.

Number three is well underway in it's plannng stage, ready for execution beginning September 9th.
Congratulations to you both on the new certficates! Where are you off to next?
We will begin in Utah and loop thru Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California and Nevada. Going to the Sun Road has been a must do for quite awhile
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