Location: N41 43.134 W71 15.835 Harding and Fairview Ave Warren RI
Name of Business: Video Expedition
Story Line: I rode to Warren with great expectations of expeditions to be had. Arrived at the location sans MeAsWe. I found myself in a Hood with no signs. A quick call to MeAsWe, WTF is this place. Got the number, called em, got voice mail. A guy comes of his house and I say Is this Video Expedition. Of course the answer was No. What address you looking for, he said. Found out I was in the wrong spot. Something about Ave and Terrance. Drove around the corner. Saw a guy mowing his lawn. Stop, shut the bike down.
ME: Is this Video Expedition?
VEG: Yes it is.
ME: Do you have a sign?
VEG: No it is a business that is on a pute and we work inside the house.
ME: Got a Business Card ?
VEG: Of course !!
ME: Can I get a picture of you and your card ?
Me is me of course and not MeAsWe and VEG is Video Expedition Guy (I actually have his card someplace at home and should really see what his name was)
And that is how it was on May 2nd Two Thousand Ten.
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